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Waiting approval
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Response behavior template page
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Back office guide - Declarations
Option-Declaration page
Option-General options-Employee department
Option-General option-Customer category
Options-General options-Unresolved ticket reasons
Options-General options-Telephone ip
Options-Location control-Area
Options-Location control-Sub area
Options-Location control-Zone
Options-Access level-System platform
Option-Access level-Role
Options-Access level-Add resources
Options-Access level-Permissions
Options-Product-Product category
Options-Product-Sub products
Options-Auto assign ticket
Options-Import file-Product category
Options-Import file-Sub products
Options-Import file-Customers
Option-Import file-Contents
Option-Import file-Parts
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Review ticket page
Estimated reading time:
review Customers
This is the page where the admin views the contracted customers that has tickets, the admin will be asked first to choose the customer, so he can see the ticket of that selected customer.
This page consists of:
- Customer category drop down list: this list contain the categories of the customer, the customer can choose a category to view the customers related to it.
- Search text field: the admin can use this field to enter the name of the customer heu2019d like to search for.
- Search button: this button executes the searching for the customer in our database, the result will be filled in the list under for the admin to review it.
- Customers list: this list contains the result of the previous search for the customers, this list contains some other links to other form and features.
- View tickets button: this button opens the tickets page for the selected customer from the list.
- Customer info button: this button will display a pop up form to view the customeru2019s full information, this form will be read only and not editable.
Review tickets
This is the page that will be reviewed after pressing on view tickets button from the previous page, the admin here can see the information of the previously selected contracted customer, their ticket, and their tickets information.
This page will contain the followings:
- Customer information fields: these fields contains a brief information about the selected customer, the fields will be read only and canu2019t be edited.
- Customer info button: this button will display a pop up form to view the customeru2019s full information, this form will be read only and not editable.
- Ticket number field: the admin can enter a specific ticket number here in order to search for it, the ticket searched for will be displayed in the list below if it was found.
- Tickets status drop down list: this list will contain the statuses of the tickets, choosing one of the listu2019s statuses will reflect on the tickets list, the list will be filtered for the user depending on that selected status.
- Search button: this button starts the search for the tickets with the common name, or status as the selected in the list filters.
- Back button: clicking on this button will return you back to the customeru2019s page.
- Tickets list: this list is where all the tickets are filled and viewed, the admin can see these tickets and their brief information from the list.
- Assignment info: this button will display an information pop up dialog, this dialog will contain the selected ticket assigning information history, and this pop up dialog will be read only for the user to review who had this ticket assigned to.
- View ticket information button: this button will display an information pop up dialog, this dialog will contain the full information of the selected ticket, and this dialog form will be read only and just for reviewing.
- View service records button: by clicking on this button the admin can view the service records for the selected ticket, the service records will be viewed from another page that will list all the service records, this page will contain the followings:u00a0
- Service records list: this list will contain the service records for that selected ticket, the service records will be previewed with a brief information about them.
- Signature button: this button will display a pop up form, this form is just to view the signature of the service engineer that created this service record.
- View button: this button will display a pop up form, this form will contain the full information of the selected service record, and the information will be read only and not editable.
- Back button: this button is used to return to the tickets page.
- Add service record button: this button will open a page for the admin to add a new service record, After assigning the ticket to the service engineer, this service engineer can either accept the ticket or reject it, if he accepts it, he'll start on solving the customeru2019s ticket, and he'll have to open a service record to submit his result of his assigned ticket, the result would be either solved or not solved.
This page will contain the followings:
This page will contain the followings:
- Ticket number field: this field will be auto filled and cannot be edited, it will contain the ticket number chosen.
- Record number field: the record number is an auto incremental number that's auto filled from the database directly, it defines the number of service records made before, and it will not be editable.
- Record date: the record date is auto filled and it's usually taking from the current date, the admin can edit it depending on the date the service record was made on.
- Service location drop down list: this list will contain the type of service was provided in the record, if it was on site service, or a workshop service.
- Time in field: is the time when the service engineer arrived to the customer to service them.
- Time out field: is the time when the service engineer finishes and leaves the customer place after serving him.
- Trip time field: is the time from assigning the ticket to the time of opening the service record.
- Engineer name drop down list: this menu will contain the service engineers whom this ticket are assigned to, the admin needs to select one of these service engineers to add the service record.
- Fault field: this filed contains the content which needs to be repaired or replaced.
- Actual fault drop down list: this list will contain the contents of the same sub product file, the admin can choose one of these contents to be the actual fault in case the fault was found in other content than the selected.
- Actual fault serial drop down list: after choosing the actual fault, this list will be filled with the serial numbers for the content selected in the actual fault, the admin will have to choose one of these serail numbers to add the service record.
- Solution drop down menu: this menu will have two options, one of them is repair, and the other one is replace, these solutions are the actions which the service engineer made to fix the ticket.
- Repair note field: this field will contain the repair note for the content.
- Add record button: this button will add the service record with the previously entered information.
- Back button: press it in order to return to the previous page.
- Contents list: this list will appear when the solution for the service record is replace only, and the admin here will have to enter what content was replaced and other information.
- Delete button: this button removes the entered contents from the list.
- Add button: this button adds a new row of contents to the list, in case the replacment was for multiple contents and not only one.
- Contents drop down list: this list will contain the contents for the same sub-product for the ticket, the admin selects what contents were replaced from the list.
- New S/N drop down list: the admin selects the new content S/N from this list.
- New version field: this field will contain the version of the new inserted content.
- Old S/N field: the admin enters the old S/N of the replaced content here.
- Old version field: this field will contain the old version of the replaced content.
- Track info button: this button will open an another page that has the tracking information for the ticket, the track page will contain the followings:
- Back button: this button returns the user back to the review tickets page.Add track record button: this button is used to add new track record for the ticket, the track records added will be displayed down in the records list, after clicking this button a new page will be displayed to add the new track record of the ticket, and that page will contain the followings:Added at field: this field will be a read only field, and it will take the current time as a value, it indicates the create date of this track record.Add by field: this field will be read only field, and it will take the current logged in user as a value, it indicates the new record creator name.Level drop down list: this list will contain the levels the service record goes through, starting for maintanance to be ready, the track record needs the level to be defined for it.Service center drop down list: this list will contain the service centers of our company, it declares the position of customeru2019s product.Status drop down list: this list will contain the status of the new added track record from being pending to delivered.Equipments included text field: this field will contain the included equipments with the received product.Browse button: this button is used to attach files with the track record, the user can attach photos, videos, or documents about the received product, clicking this button will open up a pop-up form for selecing the attachments and their option, the form will contain the followings:Attachments choose files button: this button will open the file picker to choose the attachments for the track record.Public check box: this check box is used to show or hide the attached files.Close button: this button is used to close the pop-up and discard the request.Remove attachments button: this button removes all attached file, photos, or videos from the track record.Attachments section: this contains all attached files, photos, and videos with the record, and the user can view, delete, or edit them from the section.Delete icon button: this button is used to delete the attachment from the track record.Public check box: this check box gives the option of showing and hiding the attachment from the customer side view.Back button: this button returns the user back to the previous page.Save button: this button saves the new track record to the database after validating the filled information for missing required fields.
- Back button: this button returns the user back to the review tickets page.
- Add track record button: this button is used to add new track record for the ticket, the track records added will be displayed down in the records list, after clicking this button a new page will be displayed to add the new track record of the ticket, and that page will contain the followings:
- Added at field: this field will be a read only field, and it will take the current time as a value, it indicates the create date of this track record.
- Add by field: this field will be read only field, and it will take the current logged in user as a value, it indicates the new record creator name.
- Level drop down list: this list will contain the levels the service record goes through, starting for maintanance to be ready, the track record needs the level to be defined for it.
- Service center drop down list: this list will contain the service centers of our company, it declares the position of customeru2019s product.
- Status drop down list: this list will contain the status of the new added track record from being pending to delivered.
- Equipments included text field: this field will contain the included equipments with the received product.
- Browse button: this button is used to attach files with the track record, the user can attach photos, videos, or documents about the received product, clicking this button will open up a pop-up form for selecing the attachments and their option, the form will contain the followings:
- Attachments choose files button: this button will open the file picker to choose the attachments for the track record.
- Public check box: this check box is used to show or hide the attached files.
- Close button: this button is used to close the pop-up and discard the request.
- Remove attachments button: this button removes all attached file, photos, or videos from the track record.
- Attachments section: this contains all attached files, photos, and videos with the record, and the user can view, delete, or edit them from the section.
- Delete icon button: this button is used to delete the attachment from the track record.
- Public check box: this check box gives the option of showing and hiding the attachment from the customer side view.
- Back button: this button returns the user back to the previous page.
- Save button: this button saves the new track record to the database after validating the filled information for missing required fields.
Last update: 02/08/2021
Views: 1836
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