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Options-Product-Product category
Options-Product-Sub products
Options-Auto assign ticket
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Assign ticket page
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This is the page where the admin assigns the added tickets to the service engineers
Firstly the admin will need to search for the ticket to be assigned, the searching can be by the number of the ticket and/or the status of the ticket, after entering the searching by, the admin presses on search button to get the result of searching.
The result of the search is going to be displayed on the list below.
This page will contain the followings:
- Ticket number field: is where the admin enters the number of the ticket he wants to search for to assign it.
- Ticket status drop down menu;u00a0 this menu contains four choices, one is to get all tickets, number two is to only get the not assigned tickets, the third is to only get the assigned tickets, and the fourth is to only get the rejected tickets.
- Search button: by pressing this button the system will filter the tickets and search for it in the database, after that it will be displayed in the list below.
- Search result list: this is where the search result is displayed.
- Update button: this button is used to update the information of the ticket in order to assign it, after clicking this button, the update form for this ticket will be displayed to the user.
- Assign button: this button is used to assign the selected ticket to an employee to solve it, after clicking this button the assign ticket form will be displayed for the user, the form will contain the followings
This is the form for assigning the ticket, his form consists from:
- Information form: this form contains all the ticket information as for view only.
- Ticket priority drop down menu: this menu contains a level of priorities from low to high, to declare the importance of the ticket.
- Task name or note field: the admin here can enter the ticket task name or a brief note about the ticket for the service engineer.
- Upload approval PDF Browse button: this button is used to browse for the approval file from your desktop files.
- Service engineers list: this list will contain the service engineers that you can assign this ticket to.
- Assign button:u00a0 By pressing on this button the system will check the entries if there were any missing information and after that will add the ticket to the assigned tickets of the selected service engineer.
- Back button: this button will return you back to the previous page.
- Clear all button: this button clears all inserted data in the page.
Last update: 02/08/2021
Views: 397
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