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Option-General options-Employee department
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Options-General options-Telephone ip
Options-Location control-Area
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Options-Access level-System platform
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Options-Product-Product category
Options-Product-Sub products
Options-Auto assign ticket
Options-Import file-Product category
Options-Import file-Sub products
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Option-Import file-Contents
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Add ticket form
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This is the form for adding a new ticket, to add a new ticket you'll need to enter some required information such as the name of customer.
To add a new ticket you'll have to fill some information first that's included in this form, the form consists from:
- Ticket number field: the ticket number is a sequential number and its auto filled for the tickets.
- Ticket type drop down menu: this field declares the type of process done in this ticket, whether it was preventive maintenance, installation phase, or a field service.
- Caller name: Is the name of the person who called from the customer side.
- Operator tel field: this field will contain the operator's telephone number, in case there were need for calling him.
- Note field: this is the note field in case there were any extra information or request you'd like to add.
- Sub area field: this field will be auto filled with the admin choosing the area of the sub-product.
- Sub-Product field: this menu contains the sub-product file contents that you need to choose in which you had a fault.
- Location description field: the location of the sub product registered in the ticket.
- Received by field: this field contains the username of the received by employee.
- Customer name drop down menu: this menu contains the name of the contracted customers, the admin chooses the customer who is facing the issue.
- Operator name field: this field is where the user enters the operator name, which is a resource for knowing the issued sub product, in case the sub product was not known by the caller.
- Fault note field: in this field the admin should enter a brief note about the fault.
- Device reference number drop down menu: this menu contains the reference numbers of the customer's device which were chosen before in the sub product file, by choosing the reference number the system will auto fill the serial number, area, zone, sub area, and the sub-product name.
- Area drop down menu: this menu contains the areas that the customer has a sub- product files in.
- Zone filed: this field will be auto filled with the admin choosing the area of the sub-product.
- S/N field: is the serial number of the added content.
- Fault drop down menu: this menu contains the sub-product file contents that you need to choose in which you had a fault.
- Hide/Show more details: this button is to hide and show the full information form, the user can add the ticket without filling its full information, in case he didn't have the ticket's full information.
- Add button: this button triggers the validation of the entered information in case there were any missing data or incorrect entries and saves the inserted ticket to the database.
- Clear all button: this button clears all the entered information in the add ticket form.
- Back button: this button returns the user back to the previous page of the website.
- Get customer from call button: by clicking on this button the ticket information will auto fill all the customer information except for the fault.
Last update: 11/16/2021
Views: 828
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