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This is the contents page where the admin identifies the contents of the sub-products, each one of these contents have a unique serial numbers and must relate to a sub-product.
The contents serial number is a unique identifier, so it can't not be duplicated for the same or other sub products.
This page will contain the following:
- Product category drop down list: this list will contain all of the product categories created before, this list will be used as filtration on the list data records.
- Sub product drop down list: this list will contain all the sub products created, or if there were a product category selected before this list will contain the selected category sub products.
- Search field: this field is used to search for a specific content from the selected sub product.
- Go button: after entering the search text, the admin will press this button to start searching for the content, if the content was found it will be filled in the list view below, if not a message will be displayed that the content was not found.
- Contents list: this list will contain all the contents that has been added to the system.
- Edit button: this button allows the admin to edit on the content selected, the admin can only edit the content name of the selected content.
- Show SN button: this button displays the serial numbers for that particulate content, after displaying the contents, the admin can delete them from the list unless they were attached in a sub product file.
- Add serial number button: this button is used to add the serial number of the selected content, after pressing this button a pop up form will be displayed asking the admin to fill some information about the new serial number, the form will contain the followings:
- Single or multiple serials radio buttons: this radio buttons decides whether the admin is going to add a single serial or multiple at once, each choice has its own form for adding the serials.
- Serial number field: the admin enters the serial number here, the serial must be unique and not entered before.
- Version: the admin enters the version of the content here.
- Save button: this button is to save the changes, the system will check here if the serial number is duplicated or not.
- Browse button: this button will open the file picker for the admin, the admin will have to choose the file of serials from here and press open to confirm.
- Download template button: the admin can download a template thatu2019s already been done to fill it with serials, and re-upload here.
- Close button: this button will close the form, no data will be saved after pressing this button.
- Upload button: after choosing the file of serial numbers the admin presses this button to confirm his request of inserting the serials, the system will check the serials for duplication, and in case one of the serials was duplicated, a message will be displayed for the admin to inform him.
- Delete button: this button deletes the content from the list and the database, unless the content was used in the sub product file, then in that case you'll have to remove the related sub product files first, after pressing the delete button a confirmation message will be displayed for the user to confirm his request.
6-Add button: this button is used to add a new content the contents require knowing it's category and the sub product it relates to, you must enter the serial number of the content to add it, or you can choose to upload the serial number from excel file in the device.u00a0
Last update: 02/07/2021
Views: 344
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