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Options-Product-Product category
Options-Product-Sub products
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Options-Import file-Product category
Options-Import file-Sub products
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Option-Import file-Contents
Option-Import file-Parts
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Options-Product-Sub products
Estimated reading time:
This page is where the admin enters the sub products, entering a new sub product requires you to know its category and the type of it if it were hardware or software.
This page will contain the following:
- Product category drop down list: this list will contain the product categories entered to the system, and selecting from them will apply a filtration over the list data.
- Sub products list: this list will contain the sub products, the product categories, and the status of each sub-product.
- Edit button: this button is used to edit on the sub product name, category, or even the type of it.
- Delete button: this button deletes the sub product file from the database, but first you'll have to make sure that this sub product is not in use by any sub product file.
- Pages numbering: this pages numbers is used to switch between the pages of the sub products list.
- Add button: this button allows the admin to enter a new sub-product file, pressing this button will open a pop up form that will contain the followings:
- Product category drop down list:u00a0 this list will contain all of the product categories created before, this list will be used as filtration on the types list.
- Product category type list: this list will contain the type for the selected product category.
- Sub product field: this field will contain the name of the new added sub product.
- Type drop down list: this list will define the type of the sub product registered, if it was a hardware or a software.
- Upload image button: this button is used to upload an image of the new added sub product.
- Upload PDF button: this button will allow the user to upload a PDF data sheet for the new added sub product.
- Search field: this field is used to search between the parts of the imported file.
- Template type drop down list: this list will contain the template types.
- Browse button: this button will open up the file picker to choose the file to be imported.
- Download template: this button is used to download an example template so that the user knows what attributes are required in the imported file.
- Parts list: this list will contain the parts imported file information.
- Price field: after importing the parts file, the price in the file will be filled here in this field, and the user can edit it from here.
- Close button: this button closes the pop up and discards the all changes.
- Add button: this button is used to confirm the stage of adding the sub product and its imported parts, after pressing the button there will be a validation on the entered information to make sure everything is filled and ready to be added.
Last update: 02/07/2021
Views: 339
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