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Back office guide - Declarations
Option-Declaration page
Option-General options-Employee department
Option-General option-Customer category
Options-General options-Unresolved ticket reasons
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Options-Location control-Area
Options-Location control-Sub area
Options-Location control-Zone
Options-Access level-System platform
Option-Access level-Role
Options-Access level-Add resources
Options-Access level-Permissions
Options-Product-Product category
Options-Product-Sub products
Options-Auto assign ticket
Options-Import file-Product category
Options-Import file-Sub products
Options-Import file-Customers
Option-Import file-Contents
Option-Import file-Parts
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Audit ticket page
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This page is where the customer service audits the tickets which has been served by our service engineers but not closed yet.
Firstly the user must choose the customer name in which he'd like to audit his tickets, after that he can review the tickets that requires auditing for that particular customer.
This page will contain the followings:
- Customer category drop down list: this list contain the categories of the customer, the customer can choose a category to view the customers related to it.
- Search text field: the admin can use this field to enter the name of the customer heu2019d like to search for.
- Search button: this button executes the searching for the customer in our database, the result will be filled in the list under for the admin to review it.
- Customers list: this list contains the result of the previous search for the customers, this list contains some other links to other form and features.
- Customer info button: this button will display a pop up form to view the customeru2019s full information, this form will be read only and not editable.
- View tickets button: this button opens the tickets page for the selected customer from the list, the tickets page will contain the followings:
- Search text field: the admin can use this field to enter the name of the customer heu2019d like to search for.
- Search button: this button executes the searching for the customer in our database, the result will be filled in the list under for the admin to review it.
- Tickets list: this list will contain all or the searched for tickets of the selected customer, this list will contain other link for other options on the tickets.
- Audit button: this button is used after contacting the customer and getting his feedback about the ticket if it was solved or not yet, depending in the feedback the customer service here chooses between if it was solved or not using the pop up displayed by pressing this button, the pop up form will contain:
- Problem solved button: the customer service presses this if the ticket was solved.
- Problem not solved: the customer service presses this button if the ticket was not solved.
- Cancel button: this button is to cancel the step and close the pop up form.
- View ticket information button: this button will display an information pop up dialog, this dialog will contain the full information of the selected ticket, and this dialog form will be read only and just for reviewing.
- View service record button: this button will open a new page that will contains all this ticket's created service records, the service records page will contain:
- Service records list: this list will contain the records created for the selected ticket.
- View button: this button will open up a form that will contain all service record information.
- Back button: this button returns you back to the previous page.
Last update: 02/08/2021
Views: 634
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