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Add service contract
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After adding a contracted customer, we'll have to add a service contract for that customer in order to serve him.
Before making a service contract to that particular customer, we need to make sure that he has a sub product file inserted already, if the customer does not have a sub product file then he won't appear in the service contract customers list.
This page will contain the following:
- Contract number field: this field will contain the new added contract number, the number will be auto filled after adding the contract.
- Customer name drop down menu: this menu will contain all of our customers whom already have a sub product file inserted for them.
- Behavior template drop down menu: this menu will contain all of the inserted response behavior templates, each of these template identitys a different working days and hours of availability.
- Template zones field: this field will contain the zones that are covered by the selected response behavior template.
- Annual visits number field: this field indicates the number of visits that the customer will be provided during the entered period of the contract.
- Payments terms drop down list: this field will contain the period granted to the customer to pay for the service received.
- Contract details field: this field contains the contract details and agreements with the customer.
- Remark field: this field is for noting any remark related to this service contract.
- Upload attachment button: in case of having any attached files that are related to the contract, you can upload it via this feature.
- Special discount field: the admin enters here the discount on the service contract of the customer.
- Sub total field: this field calculates the maintenance price of all selected sub product in the service contract.
- Total field: this field calculates the total price by deducting the discount amount from the sub total amount to display the final pricing for the contract.
- Add button: after filling all of the required information, the admin presses on this button to confirm the adding process.
- Clear all button: this button clears all the entered information by the admin.
- Product category drop down list: this list will contain the products category of the selected customer, it's used to filter the sub products purchased by the customer.
- Sub product drop down list: this list will contain the sub products of the selected product category, and it will filter the sub products in the list below.
- Show selected only button: this button will filter the sub product files list and shows only the select sub products.
- Start date field: this date field is used to set the start date of all the selected sub product files.
- End date field: this date field is used to set the end date of all the selected sub product files.
- Set button: this button makes the action of setting the start date and the end date of all the selected sub product files.
- Sub product files list: this list will contain all the sub product files for that selected customer, the admin will choose the sub product files which are going to be entered in the contract, each of these sub products will need a description, start date, end date, and a suggested maintenance contract price to be filled by the admin.
- Select all check field: this check button selects or deselects all sub products in the list below it, it is used to faster selection of the contract's included sub products.
- Selected check field: the admin checks the sub products to be added to the contract using this check field.
- View and edit button: the admin can click on this button to view or to edit on the sub product file before adding it to the contract.
- Description text field: this field is for entering any needed description for the sub product included in the service contract.
- Start date field: this field defines the contract services starting date for the sub product selected.
- End date field: this field defines the contract services ending date for the sub product selected.
- Suggested maintenance contract price field: this field contains the calculated maintenance contract price depending on the pricing for each sub product, and it can be edited as desired.
Last update: 11/23/2021
Views: 336
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