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Add sub product file form
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In this form the admin needs to fill the sub product information, and these information are:
- Product category drop down menu: this list will contain the category of the products.
- Product category type: the product categories can have many types, this field will be filled with all of the types for the selected category.
- S/N field: this is where the admin enters the product file serial number.
- Area drop down menu: this contains all the predefined areas, here the admin will have to choose the area that where the sub product will be deployed.
- Sub area drop down menu: Here the admin can choose where the product is installed in terms of sub area, the sub product area is derived and auto filled with choosing after area Install date field: The admin here enters the date of installation for the product.
- Zone field: this field is auto filled after choosing the area.
- Expire date: the admin here needs to enter the warranty expire date, noting that the warranty must be at least for 1 year, by means it should be at least after one year from the installing date.
- Service type drop down list: this field defines the type of services provided with this sub product file, could be on site service, remote support service, workshop or others.
- Price field: the admin here enters the product purchase price.
- Maintenance rate field: here the admin needs to enter the rate or the count of time that this sub product needs to be maintained across the year, this rate will depend on the customer needs.
- Maint. Contract price field: this is where the calculation of the maintenance result is previewed and the Equation is (maintenance price= (purchase price + all the cost of all additional contents that out of warranty)*(year maintenance rate)).
- Maint. Contract discount field: In this field the discount for the sub product is entered if existed.
- Maint. Contract total field: this is a calculated field, it will equal the subtraction of the maint. discount field from the maint. contract price field.
- Sub product drop down menu: this menu is filtered depending on the product category choice, the admin will choose a sub product from the drop down menu depending on the customer needs.
- Sub product type field: this field will be auto selected depending on the predefined type for the selected sub product.
- Customer drop down menu: this field contains the customers names, you have to choose the customer you're selling to.
- Device reference number: here is where the admin enters the reference number of the device.
- Install date field: The admin here enters the date of installation for the product.
- Warranty period field: this field will calculate the period of warranty depending on the instal and expire dates.
- Purchase date field: The admin here enters the purchase date of the product.
- Status drop down list: this menu declares the status this sub product is going through, it can be active, inactive, phase out, or out sourced.
- Purchase invoice number field: the admin enters here the invoice number of the product purchase.
- Location description field: the user can fill this field with the location description in case they were available.
- Note field: this field will contain any internal notes about this specific sub product file.
- Access constrains: this field will contain the access constraints of this sub product file.
- Location field: the user can here add the new sub product location on the map by clicking on map button, and the pinned locations longitude and latitude will be filled in the fields.
- Behavior template drop down list: this list will contain all of the inserted response behavior templates, each of these template identities a different working days and hours of availability, after choosing a behavior template you can press on view button to view the template's details, but these details will be read only data.
- Clear all button: after pressing this button all the entered information above will be cleared.
- Add button: by pressing this button the system will add the sub product file to the database.
This is where the admin can choose the contents of the sub product file, these contents are predefined from the system admin. To add a new content you need to choose the content and the serial number and press add.
This form contains:
- Hardware content install: this is where the admin enters the primary hardware contents to be installed to the customer.
- Additional hardware content install: this is where the admin enters the additional contents for the sub product file.
- Delete button: this button is used to add a new content to the list.
- Check field: the user checks this field to select it to be added in the sub product file.
- Content drop down menu: the admin can choose the content from this drop down menu to add it to the sub product file.
- S/N field: the admin here chooses the serial number of the content he'd like to add to the sub product file.
- Add s/n button: this button has been added in case there were no s/n for the selected content, the user can add the s/n from here immediately without the need of leaving the page.
- Version field: this field is auto filled depending on the serial number of the content chosen.
- Part no field: this field contains the content part number.
Last update: 11/18/2021
Views: 379
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