Reports page
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The report page is where the admin looks up the feedback that has been giving by the customers, the feedback will be viewed in a list, and the list will contain the customer's contact information and his answers to the questions.
The reports can be filtered to a period of time, and also can be searched for by the customer's contact information.
This page will contain the following:
1-Language drop down list:
this drop down list will filter the reports between the languages of the questions, each language will have its own questions and answers, and switching between the languages will display different reports.
2-Feedback emojis:
the admin here will view the feedback emojis and the number of feedbacks for each emoji, the admin needs to choose an emoji to view its feedback reports, after choosing one of the emoji the data previewed in the list is going to change and view the newly selected emoji's reports.3-Branch name drop down list:
this drop down list will filter the reports data by the branch name that is selected.4-Question drop down list:
this list is to filter the reports data by if the feedback had questions or not, the admin can switch back to view both options in case he changed his mind.5-Customer info drop down list:
control what reports data is to be viewed depending on the customers entered contact information, if in case the admin wants to see a report for the customers which has entered their email address.6-Front end device drop down list:
this list will be displayed after selecting a branch name from the branches drop down list, the front end device will filter the selected branch report data to the selected front end device data.7- Answer drop down list:
this list is to filter the reports data by if the questions had answers or not, the admin can switch back to view both options in case he changed his mind.8-Date from and to fields:
the admin can select a time between two dates to review the feedbacks of that selected period of time.9-Number of showed feedbacks:
the admin can use this option to control the number of feedbacks displayed in the list.10-Search bar:
The admin can use this search bar to look for a specific customer feedback by his contact information.11- Feedbacks export file:
these are the export options that the admin can use to take the data of the feedback in the list.12-Feedbacks list:
this list shows feedbacks of an emoji depending on the search filter chosen by the admin.13-Audit button:
this button is to validate the status of the customeru2019s feedback, after pressing it the system will display a pop up form, the form will contain the three status button to identify the result for the selected feedback.14-View button:
this button will open a page that views the feedback questions and the answers for the selected customer, the page will contain the followings:- Customer contact information: this section will contain the customeru2019s contact information which are the email and the mobile number.
- The question: here is where the question is displayed, this question was asked for the customer in his feedback survey.
- The answer field: this is where the answer for the above question is displayed, the answer of the question will depend on the type of the question selected before by the admin.
15-Previous and next buttons:
this button are used to travel between the pages of the feedback list.
Last update: 01/27/2021
Views: 534
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