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Fixed assets mobile application

The fixed assets mobile application is where the assets are scanned by the employees of the company, the employee will gain access to a multiple system features, which includes scanning, assigning, and checking the current assets of the company.

The application will be connected to an RFID reader in order to scan the assets RFID tags, this device will be the scanner for the RFIDs, and the mobile will be scanner for the barcodes on the assets, each one of the assets will be assigned with an RFID tag and a barcode number, each one of these tags and numbers will be unique and required for its own; that’s to prevent system errors and conflictions.

Making this mobile service is very usefully important for the large companies that owns a lot of fixed assets that needs to be checked after a specified period of time; since that the application will help saving the time of the employees from searching between the assets for a specific not scanned asset, while he can by this service to just press the scanner trigger and move his hand around the spot to check all items within the his hand movement spot.

It also helps by improving the count of checking times through a one year, taking on mind that the assets checking is much easier and faster using the application service.


As expected from any high confidential application, there will be a verification stage to grant the access for this service, this verification stage will be represented in the login page, here in the login page, each user will be required with a unique username and a password, these username and password will be created by the admin from the web application as a new account user.

The users of our system will be separated into two categories, one is the admin, and the other one is the user (also known as “employee”), both of these users will be granted the access to the android application to access the features and functionalities of the mobile app.

This login page will be as simple as possible, it will only contain the followings:

  1. Email field: in this field is where the user enters his verified email to enter the system.
  2. Password field: after entering the email, the user enters his password in this field to continue with his login process, taking in mind that the password length must be 8 at least, and 16 at most.
  3. Login button: after entering your account email and password, the user will press on this button to start the process of validation and verification for the entered email and password (note: in case if either the entered email or password was incorrect, the system will display an error message to acknowledge the user about the issue).

Home page

After logging in successfully to the android application, the page will be displayed is the home page, here from the home page the user can get the access to all the application features and functionalities.

The home page will contain a redirection links to redirect the user to the different pages and features of the system, the links will be represented as a buttons, and each one of these buttons will contain the name of the next page for it.

The buttons that the home page will contain are the following:

  1. Side bar button: a button to view the side bar for the system, this side bar will contain a shortcuts for other system pages.
  2. Add item button: pressing this button will redirect the user to the add item page, where the user can assign an existed RFID tag a new unique barcode.
  3. Scan button: pressing this button will redirect the user to scan page, in the scan page the user can start scanning the asset items of the company and check his progress through each department.
  4. List button: pressing this button will redirect the user to the list page, in this page the user can review the checked and unchecked assets of each department in the company.
  5. Migrate button: this button is where the user can migrate his scanned, added, or transferred assets to the remote database, this option usually work automatically without the user need of pressing on it, but in case the users were granted the ability of changing it to manually migrate, then it will be clickable to migrate the updates to the remote database directly.
  6. Search button: pressing this button will redirect the user to the search page, here in the search page the user can search for the assets manually by entering the RFID number assigned to it or the barcode number assigned with the asset item.
  7. Transfer to web button: pressing this button will redirect the user to the transfer to web page, in the transfer to web page the user can transfer multiple RFID or barcode tags to the remote database grouped with a unique category description, these transferred tags are yet to be used in the web application of the fixed assets system.
  8. Check tag button: pressing this button will redirect the user to the check tag page, the user here can check a specific RFID or barcode tag information by just scanning it.
  9. Settings button: pressing this button will redirect the user to the settings page, the settings page is where the user can change the settings of the reader and the control migrate options.
  10. Dashboard button: pressing this button will redirect the user to the dashboard page, in this page is where the user can view some statistics about the assets of the company.

Side bar

The side bar is usually located in the top left of the corner of the home page, and it can be viewed by clicking on the three hashes in the corner.

The side bar is an alternative fragment view from the home page, in this side bar the user can access directly to some specified pages of the application without searching and scrolling down in the home page buttons.

In this side bar the can be redirected to many pages and functionalities, and they are the followings:

  1. Home button: In case the user wasn’t in the home page already, pressing on this button will redirect the user back to the home page of the android application.
  2. Scan button: pressing this button will redirect the user to scan page, in the scan page the user can start scanning the asset items of the company and check his progress through each department.
  3. List button: pressing this button will redirect the user to the list page, in this page the user can review the checked and unchecked assets of each department in the company.
  4. Settings button: pressing this button will redirect the user to the settings page, the settings page is where the user can change the settings of the reader and the control migrate options.
  5. Logout button: pressing on this button will end the logged in account session and logs him out, after logging him out, the user will be redirected to the login page.



Add item page

Here in this page is where the user can assign a new RFID tag to an existing barcode in the active fixed assets book in the remote database, the user assigns the new RFID tag by firstly scanning the barcode tag, after scanning the barcode the system will fill it in a field to view it for the user, and then he can scan the new RFID tag to assign it to the barcode, if the user scans a new RFID, the user is attempting to assign an RFID tag number to the barcode tag number in the remote database, this RFID and barcode will be linked together in a record from the table of the assets in the database.

The usage of this feature here is to add a new item to the records of the assets in the database, by doing that the user will be able to start on checking, searching, and scanning on the new added fixed asset item.

Note: This page is available for the users whom has the RFID reader only, by that means, you need to have your mobile device connected to an RFID reader to be able to use or get access to this page, if the connection was found it will open, otherwise it will not be opened; cause it will have no use if so.

The add item page will contain the followings in order to assign the new item:

  1. Back icon button: this button is used to return to the home page of the application.
  2. Message label: in this label the system will display the error message, and the next steps message, it works as a hint for the use to follow the right order for assigning a new RFID tag.
  3. Auto add check box: this check box works as an automatically adding method, by means that the user will not be needed to press an add button in order to add the scanned RFID and barcode.
  4. Add button: this button is to manually confirm the adding of the scanned barcode and RFID tag to the remote database, after pressing this add button, the fields above will be cleared and inserted in a list view for reviewing.
  5. Clear button: this button is just for clearing the filled data in the other two fields.
  6. History list view: this list will contain a history of the ten previously assigned assets by the user, the user can review these assets information by clicking on them to display their full information.






Scan page

To change an asset item status from not found to be found, there must be dynamic page that can provide the user the ability of updating that status of an asset if it was found by the user, this feature will be provided for the users by using this page.

The users here can scan the company’s fixed assets by either scanning their barcodes, or RFID tags, the user can switch between the barcode scanning and the RFID scanning by clicking on the wanted fragment name button on the top of the screen.

The scanning of the assets RFID tags requires a reader device to be connected to your mobile phone, before opening the scanning page the system will require a connection to the RFID tags reader device from your mobile, if the connection was found, then the page will be displayed, if there was no connection the system will display a notice message to inform the user that the RFID reader device is disconnected.


RFID and barcode fragments

The scan page for the barcode and RFID will contain the followings:

  1. Back icon button: this button is used to return to the home page of the application.
  2. RFID and barcode fragment buttons: these buttons are to switch between the RFID fragment page and the barcode fragment page.
  3. Cost center drop down list: this list will contain the cost centers which are not fully scanned and finished, the user here chooses the cost center that he desires to start scanning.
  4. Cost center status fields: here in these fields the system will count the progress of scanning for each cost center, it will show the total number of assets, and how many are scanned and not scanned of them.
  5. Assets list view: in this list the fixed assets of the selected cost center will be reviewed, they will be reviewed in a different colors, each one of these colors will define a status of the asset, if green it means that it’s scanned and probable won’t be viewed in the scanned page, and the yellow color is for the fixed assets in which are not scanned yet, the user must press the trigger of the scanned in order to start scanning the area of the cost center, the system will keep on updating the list and the cost center assets status fields depending on the scanning progress.



List page

The list page provides the user with the ability of reviewing the company’s cost centers fixed assets and their current status.

The user here can also report about the not scanned items of a cost center in case they were stolen or missing.

This page will contain the followings:

  1. Back icon button: this button is used to return to the home page of the application.
  2. Filtration icon button: this button will open a filtration page that filters the assets of a selected cost center data.
  3. Cost center drop down list: this list will contain all the cost centers, the user here chooses the cost center that he desires to list its assets items for reviewing.
  4. Finished check box: this check box is to filter the cost centers displayed in the drop down list, to only retrieve the cost centers in which are finished and all assets are scanned.
  5. Inventory description drop down list: the user can filter the cost center’s retrieved assets depending on the name of the inventory.
  6. Assets list view: in this list the fixed assets of the selected cost center will be reviewed, they will be reviewed in a different colors, each one of these colors will define a status of the asset, if green it means that it’s scanned, and the yellow color is for the fixed assets in which are not scanned yet, the user view the asset full information by clicking on it and then an information dialog will be displayed for the user with the full information.
  7. Asset item information dialog: this disalog is displayed after pressing on an asset item from the assets list, this dialog will show the full information for the selected asset item.


The filtration is an extended page from the list page, the user here can filter the fixed assets information in the list, after selecting the filtration desired, the user goes back to the list page to review the assets that he filtered for.

The filtration page will contain the followings:

  1. Back icon button: this button is used to return to the home page of the application.
  2. Close icon button: to apply the filtration and go back to the list page.
  3. Filter by buttons: these buttons are to define the filtration method that’on the cost center’s fixed assets.

Search Page

The search page is all about finding a specific item from a specific place, it’s used to view the item information from a cost center.

The user can view the item information by just scanning it using the reader, or by entering the item’s barcode number that’s assigned to it.

This page is useful in terms of reviewing an item full information without the need of the user going to the list page and search manually between the assets, the user here can just scan the item and review its information if was found.

This search page will contain the followings:

  1. Back icon button: this button is used to return to the home page of the application.
  2. Message label: this labeled message is just for informing the user on what he have to do in order to view the information of an item assets.
  3. Barcode text field: the user can enter the barcode of the asset item here or he can scan the item using the barcode reader to get the full information of an item if the item was found in the fixed assets book.
  4. Asset item information dialog: this disalog is displayed after scanning or entering an asset item number in the bar code text field, this dialog will show the full information for the selected asset item.













Transfer to web

The transfer to web page is used by the users to transfer multiple assets of category description for the database, this feature is used to add multiple items of a selected category together to the assets items.

This feature helps with adding many fixed assets of the same category to the company’s fixed assets data, this feature helps with saving the time and effort from adding the items one by one.

The user can transfer both RFIDs and barcodes tags separately, each using its own page fragment.

View categories

The view of the page will be divided into two fragments, one is for the RFID categories, and the second one is for the barcode categories.

Each fragment will view its own categories that has been transferred to the remote database, these categories will be viewed in the web too, in terms of adding them to the assets of the company.

The category view page will contain the followings:

  1. Back icon button: this button is used to return to the home page of the application.
  2. Add icon button: this button will redirect the user to the add new category page, the user can use that page to enter the description of the category, and to choose the new tags for the company’s fixed assets.
  3. RFID and barcode fragments buttons: these button are to move between viewing the RFID categories and the barcode categories.
  4. Categories list: this is a list where all the transferred categories are stored and previewed to the user, the user here can view the category names, and can also delete the category by pressing on it and swiping it to the right or to the left to delete it and its information, or he can press on it to view the assets for the selected assets category, the information will be displayed in another page that contains all the assets numbers and the category description.




Check tag page

To get the information of an asset item that’s located in a specific place, the user needs a feature to check the tag and retrieves the information of that tag when he’s in a cost center, the check tag page is all about reviewing the information for that specific item.

The user here can pick whether he wants to check a barcode tag or RFID tag, then he can just scan it using the reader device. After scanning the item, the system will validate the scanned item if it’s identifiable of not, if it is identifiable and was found, the system will display the information of the item for the user.

This check tag page will contain the followings:

  1. Back icon button: this button is used to return to the home page of the application.
  2. Barcode and RFID check boxes: these check boxes define whether the user is going to scan an RFID or barcode tag.
  3. Hint message field: a hint message to tell the user how to scan the item’s tag.
  4. Asset item information dialog: this disalog is displayed after scanning an asset item barcode or RFID tag, this dialog will show the full information for the selected asset item.
















This page is where the user controls the reader power and the auto migration option, also he can logout of his account session from it if wanted.

This settings page will contain the followings:

  1. Back icon button: this button is used to return to the home page of the application.
  2. Logout button: this button is used by the users to logout from their logged in accounts, the logout feature will redirect the user to the login page.
  3. Tx power slider: the user here can change the reader device reading power to the desired depending on what is suitable for the usage, this option will be active only if the admin allowed it from the web application.
  4. Auto migration check box: the user here can control the migration option, if it was active the scanned, added, and transferred assets will be migrated to the remote database instantly, but if it was inactive, the user will be required to do it manually from the home page screen. This option will be enabled for the users to be used only if the admin had it enabled from the web application.


The dashboard page is where all the statistic of the company’s fixed assets are previewed in charts, there will be a various type of charts to be previewed in the dashboard, each one with its own data to view.

These system dashboards will define the followings:

  1. Assets book status pie chart: this pie chart shows the percentage of scanned and not scanned assets of the current fixed assets book.
  2. Scanning status bar chart: this bar chart shows the number of scanned assets per each cost center of the company.
  3. Assets status pie chart: this pie chart shows the percentage of assets for each cost center of the company.

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